Navigating Change: Best Practices for CEO Succession Planning


Best practices for CEO succession planning involve a proactive, strategic approach to ensure a smooth leadership transition. First, boards should start the planning process early, well before a CEO departure is anticipated, and establish it as an ongoing agenda item. Identifying and developing internal candidates is crucial, with regular assessments of potential leaders’ skills and readiness.

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Best practices for CEO succession planning involve a proactive, strategic approach to ensure a smooth leadership transition. First, boards should start the planning process early, well before a CEO departure is anticipated, and establish it as an ongoing agenda item. Identifying and developing internal candidates is crucial, with regular assessments of potential leaders’ skills and readiness. The board should also consider external candidates to ensure a broad perspective. Clear communication and transparency with stakeholders are essential throughout the process to maintain trust and stability. Finally, a well-defined transition plan should be in place to support the incoming CEO, including a detailed onboarding process and the outgoing CEO’s role in the transition, ensuring continuity and minimal disruption to the organization.